BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Vijayapura




Roga is nothing but a disease which gives suffering to the body. Nidana refers to the diagnosis of various factors responsible for the origin of the disease. This department deals with Roga Vignana, Pariksha Vignana, Vikriti Vignana, and Jivanu Vignana. Knowledge of pathogenesis and diagnosis of the disease is the necessary tools of this study. The students will have an exposure in Pathology Laboratory (using diagnosis tools like lab investigation, MRI, X-ray, CT, USG, ECG), OPDs and IPDs, i.e., perform bedside physical examination and collect patients history by regular observation.

BLDEA AVS Ayurveda Bijapur

BLDEA AVS Ayurveda Bijapur

Teaching Staff

Name of the Staff Designation Department
Dr Seeta M Biradar Professor & HOD Roganidana
Dr Suma Kaggod Associate Professor Roganidana
Dr. Pratima Rayabagi Assistant Professor Roganidana