BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Vijayapura

Shareera Rachana

Shareera Rachana


Shareera Rachana is a branch of Ayurveda and deals with the knowledge of the human body. Anatomy is studied by dissecting the cadaver, which helps students learn about the internal structures and their relations and gives them insights into the complexity of organisms in a hands-on learning environment. The Department of Shareera Rachana is equal to the anatomy department of modern medical science. It deals with anatomical aspects of the human body, including histology, osteology, organology, etc. In Ayurveda, Rachana is also about knowing Marmas, Garbha Shareera, Srotas Sharir, etc.

BLDEA AVS Ayurveda Bijapur

BLDEA AVS Ayurveda Bijapur

Teaching Staff

Department of Rachana Shareera

01 Dr. Shivakumar S. Yaragal Associate Professor & Head View Profile
02 Dr. Rafiyabanu Talikoti Assistant Professor View Profile