BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Vijayapura




This department deals with detoxification procedures. Students are trained in traditional Panchakarma philosophies and methodologies. Knowledge on eliminating the accumulated toxins, wastes and blocked channels that create an imbalance in the body is provided. Also, detoxification and rejuvenation methodologies that are implemented to restore and strengthen the system for optimal functionality are taught. Students learn to treat the tridoshas – vata, pitta and kapha through five natural detoxification therapies Vamanam (Emesis Therapy or vomiting), Virechanam (Purgation), Aasthaapana/Niruham, Anuvaasan (Oil enema), and Nasyam.

BLDEA AVS Ayurveda Bijapur

BLDEA AVS Ayurveda Bijapur

Teaching Staff

Name of the Staff Designation Department
Dr Vijayakumar Tungal Professor & HOD Pancha Karma
Dr Ravindrasingh N Rajput Associate Professor Pancha Karma
Dr Deepnajali T Assistant Professor Pancha Karma